CorelDRAW or CorelDRAW Suite Is the best Graphic design software It is used for graphic design for a print industry logo design, book design, newspaper, vector Illustrator design, Making cliparts, business cards, Web design, Making cliparts And you can also make many other things by this simple software.
There are many settings in this software and sometimes we change many things in this software. Now we are having many problems using CorelDRAW. Then you want to reset all settings back to the default settings of the CorelDRAW. In simple words, we want to reset CorelDRAW settings back to default settings. We are going to achieve this in the simple Step.
First, just close the CorelDRAW
Step 1
Double click on the CorelDRAW icon or shortcut and just press the F8 key. ( if its Not Working Than use Ctrl + F8. )
Step 2
You will be prompted with a dialog box asking, "Are you sure you want to overwrite the current workspace with the factory default?"
Step 3
Click on yes to reset CorelDRAW Settings. This will reset the CorelDRAW settings to their default Settings. It works on All versions of CorelDRAW.