In this Blog we are going to see how to backup and restore bluestacks 5 data. In old bluestacks version there is one button in setting to restore and backup bluestacks data but in new bluestacks 5 there is no button to restore and backup bluestack 5 data and we want to restore and backup our data by the very simplest way. we want to restore play store, WhatsApp and many other apps, Images and many Othere Things.
Now : It's Working With Same version of BlueStacks 5. but in Future It Will Work with Different version of BlueStacks.
1. close the bluestacks
2. First we find BlueStacks_nxt Folder from program data In C Drive The Path of this folder is in your computer - "C:ProgramDataBlueStacks_nxt"
3. From this just Find Two think's first is the “engine” folder and second is "bluestacks.conf" . Just Copy this Two Files.
4. Past these two files At any location on your PC. IMP - This is your BlueStacks backup Files.
5. Now just uninstall BlueStacks.
6. Install The bluestacks 5
IMP NOTE : To restore backup successfully, Reinstall your BlueStacks 5 in the same drive and Same Path where you installed previous BlueStacks 5.
7. Copy the "Engine" folder and the "bluestacks.conf" file. ( These two files you just Past On your computer Step 4 )
8. Just go to the Computer. in your computer just go to the Path "C:ProgramDataBlueStacks_nxt"
9. Just paste this Two Files Here. You get one pop up box - files with the same names already exist in this folder. Select "Replace the files in the destination".
10. Now just launch your recently installed BlueStacks 5. and you find your all files, all apps, all images and all things are restored on Your BlueStacks 5.